1) Q. In the gospel meeting, what should be the proper attitude of those who are attending?
A. In the gospel meeting everyone should participate actively in the work; no one should sit passively to listen to the message with little concern for the salvation of others.
2) Q. I am already saved and do not need to hear the gospel again. Why should I attend gospel meetings?
A. A saved person should never feel tired of hearing the gospel. As long as you are sitting in the meeting, you are helping and strengthening the hand of the preaching one.
3) Q. The gospel meetings are not always new and exciting to me. Does this mean the gospel is not glorious?
A. Please remember that even though there is not an exciting and new gospel for one to listen to in the meeting, the gospel that is preached every time is a glorious gospel.
4) Q. I know many truths and wonder why I don’t hear exciting new truths in the gospel meeting?
A. In the gospel meetings, we do not expect to hear exciting, new truths. You may be familiar and well acquainted with many truths, but your presence helps and strengthens your brother.
答:在传福音聚会中,我们不当盼望有好的、新奇的道理听。许多道理,你已是顶熟,听得顶多的了,但是,你若出席,就是帮助你的弟兄, 坚固你的弟兄。
5) Q. I have heard gospel messages many times and I feel like they are getting old. Is this how I should feel?
A. If it is God’s gospel, we should feel that it is new even after hearing it the hundredth time. It is precious every time we mention God and His salvation! We should forever praise the gospel story.
6) Q. Once I am in a gospel meeting, is it ok if I sit quietly while the gospel is being shared?
A. When you come to the meeting, it will not hurt if you say “amen” once in a while to show your sympathy. If you do this, you are rendering the speaker some spiritual help.
7) Q. In addition to saying “amen” once in a while, what else can I do to help the speaker?
A. The kind of attitude you have while sitting in the meeting directly affects the one who is speaking.
8) Q. When something from the preaching one touches me, is it ok to say “amen?”
A. When some word from the preaching one touches you, it is most appropriate to say an “amen. It is not just human beings who are saying “amen” within the house; the angels are saying “amen” also.
9) Q. It seems that the gospel speaker does not need to stand alone. Was this practiced in the early church?
A. Acts 2 not only shows Peter standing to preach to the crowd; it also shows the eleven apostles standing with him.
10) Q. I often feel that my personal life is not that great. Does this affect my meeting life?
A. In the gospel meeting, it is not a question of whether one lives a good personal life but whether his meeting life is proper. If our meeting life is proper, our personal life will also be proper.