Table of Contents 目录

Conversational English
Table of Contents

I. Vocabulary for the Church Life – Level One 200 / Level Two 700 
    教会生活常用词汇—第一阶段(200单词)/ 第二阶段(700单词)

II. Basic American Conversation 基础美语会话

A. 1500 Basic Words 1500基本单词
B. Short Daily Conversation 日常简短会话

III. Series I – Beginner Level 第一系列——初级阶段

A. Prayer and Praises 祷告与赞美

1. Part One – Verse Section 第一部分—经文部分
2. Part Two – Praises and Thanksgiving 第二部分—赞美与感恩

B. Hospitality 接待

1. Phone Conversation for Saints’ Hospitality 为着圣徒接待的电话交谈
2. Airport Pickup of a Brother 机场迎接弟兄
3. Transportation of a Visiting Family 来访家庭的出行
4. Love Feast for Visiting Saints 为着来访圣徒的爱筵
5. Lodging of Visiting Families 为来访的家庭提供住宿

C. Nourishing New Ones 牧养新人

1. Leading a New One to the Lord 领新人归主
2. Greeting a New one after He Was Saved by the Lord 问候初得救的新人
3. Helping a New One in Applying the Precious Blood of Christ 帮助新人应用基督的宝血
4. Helping a New One in Knowing His Mingled Spirit 帮助新人认识他调和的灵
5. Helping a New One in Knowing He Is a Member of the Body of Christ 帮助新人认识他是基督身体上的一个肢体

D. Shepherding the Saints 牧养圣徒

1. Appointment with a Student on the Campus 校园邀约学生
2. Shepherding a Newly Baptized One 牧养新受浸的人
3. Visiting a Sick Brother in the Hospital 看望生病住院的弟兄
4. Comforting a Sick Brother at Home 安慰家中生病的弟兄
5. Attending a Meeting in a Saint’s Home 圣徒家中聚会
6. Attending a Meeting in the Home of a Seeking One 寻求者家中聚会
7. Leading a Dormant Saint at Home to Touch His Mingled Spirit 在久不聚会的圣徒家中带领他摸着调和的灵
8. Fellowship with the Saints on the Way to the Meeting 去聚会的路上与圣徒交通
9. Fellowship with the Saints during the Meeting 聚会时与圣徒交通
10. Fellowship with the Saints after the Meeting 聚会后与圣徒交通

E. Practical Services 实际的服事

1. Lord’s Table Service 饼杯服事
2. Ushering Service 招待服事
3. Cleaning Service 整洁服事
4. Announcement Service 报告服事
5. Children’s Service 儿童服事
6. Young People’s Service 青少年服事
7. Food Service 饭食服事
8. Book Service 书报服事
9. Office Service 执事室服事
10. Service Meeting 事奉聚会

IV. Series II – Intermediate Level 第二系列——中级阶段

A. Gospel Preaching 传扬福音

1. How to Use the Mystery of Human Life to Preach the Gospel 如何使用“人生的奥秘”传福音
2. The Mystery of Human Life 人生的奥秘
3. Jesus, the Sinners’ Friend 耶稣是罪人的朋友
4. Christ Is the Meaning of Human life 基督是人生的意义
5. Love So Excelling 超凡的爱
6. The Meaning of Faith 信的意义
7. The Jubilee 禧年
8. The Passover Lamb 逾越节的羔羊
9. Christ versus Religion 基督与宗教相对
10. Facing Persecution 面对逼迫

B. Spiritual Exercise 属灵操练

1. Prayer 祷告
2. Casting Our Anxiety on God 将我们的忧虑卸给神
3. Calling on the Name of the Lord 呼求主名
4. Having Prayers Answered 祷告得着答应
5. Reading God’s Word 读经
6. Pray-reading God’s Word 祷读主话
7. Singing Hymns 唱诗
8. A Time with the Lord 与主同在
9. Morning Revival 晨晨复兴
10. Leading Men to Christ 领人归主

C. Meeting 聚会

1. The Importance of Meetings 聚会的紧要
2. How to Meet 如何聚会
3. The Lord’s Table Meeting 擘饼聚会
4. Prophesying Meeting 申言聚会
5. Gospel Harvesting Meeting 福音收割聚会
6. Prayer Meeting 祷告聚会
7. Group Meeting 排聚会
8. Young People’s Meeting 青少年聚会
9. Children’s Meeting 儿童聚会
10. College Meeting 大专聚会

D. Christian Living 基督徒生活

1. Seeking God’s Will 寻求神的旨意
2. Healthy Life 健康生活
3. Family Life 家庭生活
4. Marriage Life 婚姻生活
5. Parenting 父母
6. Finance 理财
7. Education 教育
8. Occupation 职业
9. Food 食物
10. Clothing 衣服

V. Series III – Advanced Level 第三系列——高级阶段

A. High Peak Truth 高峰真理

1. The High Peak of Divine Revelation 神圣启示的高峰
2. The Apostles’ Teaching 使徒的教训
3. The Ministry of the Age 时代的职事
4. The Economy of God 神的经纶
5. The Dispensing of God 神的分赐
6. The Processed Triune God 经过过程的三一神
7. The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages 基督在祂三个时期中的丰满职事
8. The Divine and Mystical Realm 神圣奥秘的范围
9. The Universal Incorporation 宇宙的合并
10. Becoming the New Jerusalem 成为新耶路撒冷

B. God-man Living 神人生活

1. God-man Living 神人生活
2. Living the Life of a God-man 过神人的生活
3. Living in Resurrection 在复活里生活
4. Living a Life of Being Conformed to the Death of Christ 过一种模成基督之死的生活
5. Living by the Grace of God 凭神的恩典而活
6. Living in the Divine Fellowship and Walking According to the Mingled Spirit 活在神圣的交通中并照着调和的灵而行
7. Taking Christ as Our Person to Live the Life of a God-man 接受基督作我们的人位过神人的生活
8. Living the Life of the One New Man as the Reality Is in Jesus 照着那在耶稣身上是实际者,过一个新人的生活
9. Living Christ as the Constituents of the One New Man 活基督作新人的成分
10. Living Christ for the Church Life in the Consciousness of the One New Man 在一个新人的感觉里,为着召会生活活基督

C. God-ordained Way 神命定之路

1. A Bird’s eye View of the God-ordained Way 神命定之路的鸟瞰
2. The Application of the God-ordained Way by a Revived Life 借着复兴的生活应用神命定之路
3. Living Uniquely for Gospel 专一为福音而活
4. The Principle of Helping New Ones 帮助新人的原则
5. The Burden of the Vital Group 活力排的负担
6. The Vitality of the Vital Group 活力排的活力
7. The Nature of the Vital Group 活力排的性质
8. The Basic Factors of the Vital Group 活力排的基本因素
9. The Start of the Vital Group 活力排的开始
10. The Practice of the Vital Group 活力排的实行

VI. Series IV – Higher Level 第四系列——进级阶段

A. Concerning the Lord’s Recovery 关于主的恢复

1. The Lord’s Recovery 主的恢复
2. The Local Churches 众地方召会
3. What Are We? 我们是什么?
4. God’s Salvation 神的救恩
5. Our Beliefs 我们的信仰
6. Watchman Nee 倪柝声
7. Witness Lee 李常受
8. Living Stream Ministry 水流职事站
9. Knowing Sects 认识宗派
10. Our Attitudes toward Fellow Believers 对于同作信徒之人的态度

B. Concerning our Spiritual Treasures 关于我们属灵的珍宝

1. The Essence of the Bible 圣经的本质
2. The Principles of Interpreting the Bible 解经的原则
3. Life-Study of the Bible 生命读经
4. Crystallization-Study of the Bible 结晶读经
5. How to Use the Recovery Version of the Bible 如何使用恢复版圣经
6. How to Use the Footnotes in the Recovery Version of the Bible 如何使用恢复版圣经的注解
7. How to Know and Sing Hymns 如何认识诗歌并唱诗
8. How to Use the Holy Word for Morning Revival 如何使用晨兴圣言
9. How to Pray-Read, Study, Recite, and Prophesy 如何祷研背讲
10. How to Enter into the Riches of the Ministry 如何进入职事的丰富

C. Concerning the Recognition of the Local Churches 关于众地方召会的认可

1. The Local Churches: Genuine Believers and Fellow Members of the Body of Christ 地方教会:真信徒与基督身体同作肢体者
2. We Were Wrong – Christian Research Journal Article 我们错了——基督教研究院期刊
3. Voices of Confirmation Concerning Watchman Nee, Witness Lee & the Local Churches 关于倪柝声、李常受与众地方召会之证实的声音
4. The Authenticity of Local Church Faith Affirmed and Appreciated by Many Prominent Christian Scholars Worldwide 地方召会之信仰的可靠性得到全球众多著名基督教学者的证实并高度评价
5. Testimony from Fuller Theological Seminary 富勒神学院的见证
6. Testimony from Hank Hanegraaff 汉克•汉尼葛夫的见证
7. Testimony from Gretchen Passantino 格雷琴•巴沙迪诺的见证
8. Testimony from Elliot Miller 艾略特•米勒的见证

VII. Accent Reduction – 5 Video clips 口音矫正——五段视频教程

A. Ten Tips for You to Master American Accent
B. American English Pronunciation Tutorial
C. Key Poinits to adjust the Way of Speaking English
D. Special Correction of Taiwanese English Accent
E. Self-study Course for Chinese Speaking Students