10. Becoming the New Jerusalem 成为新耶路撒冷

1) Q. I thought that the New Jerusalem is a city we are going to enter into. How do we become the New Jerusalem?
A. Eventually, the Triune, eternal God becomes the New Jerusalem incorporated with all of us. We do not enter into the New Jerusalem; we become the New Jerusalem. Our becoming is our entering in.

2) Q. According to the Bible, how would you summarize what the New Jerusalem is?
A. In the Bible, the writings of John cover the span from God to the New Jerusalem. The totality of the divine life is the New Jerusalem, which is the destination of the flowing Triune God.

3) Q. How can the New Jerusalem be the destination of the flowing Triune God?
A. The Triune God flows into eternal life, and the eternal life has its totality. Our human life also has its totality. A living person is the totality of the human life.

4) Q. What verse in the Bible shows us that eternal life is the destination of the flowing Triune God?
A. In John 4:14b the Lord said, “The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water springing up into eternal life.” God the Father is the fountain, emerging in God the Son as a spring gushing up to be a river, signifying God the Spirit.

5) Q. Are there any other reasons why the New Jerusalem is important?
A. The New Jerusalem is the embodiment of God’s complete salvation. God’s complete salvation is a composition of God’s righteousness as the base and God’s life as the consummation.

6) Q. In the Bible, how is the New Jerusalem described?
A. The foundation of the New Jerusalem consists of twelve layers of precious stones. Some Bible scholars have said that colors of the twelve layers of precious stones in the foundation of the New Jerusalem look like a rainbow.

7) Q. Why is the appearance of a rainbow important in the description of the New Jerusalem?
A. The rainbow is a sign that reminds us of God’s faithfulness. God’s faithfulness is based on His righteousness. The foundation of the New Jerusalem is the righteousness of God with God’s faithfulness.

8) Q. What else does the Bible say about the New Jerusalem?
A. Also, within the New Jerusalem there is a river of life, which saturates the entire city. Life is the consummation of righteousness, and righteousness is the base, the foundation, of life.

9) Q. Once Christians see that the New Jerusalem is God’s goal, what kind of work should they do?
A. We should do only one work, which is to make God’s chosen people regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified ones-the new man. All those who will be in the New Jerusalem are this kind of people.

10) Q. As a Christian, why is it important that I take this way of becoming the New Jerusalem as my goal?
A. We need to take this way until we reach the highest point, where we become the same as God in life and in nature. At this point there is no more flesh and no more natural being. We all are in the Spirit and are beings in the New Jerusalem.