4. Christ is the meaning of Human Life 基督是人生的意义

1. Q. Most people today are seeking for better food, clothing, and houses. Is this the meaning of our human life?
A. Look at the situation of today’s human life and society. People want to have better food, a better house, a better car, and better clothing. All the time they are seeking for something better. But eventually what they seek for becomes bitter.

2. Q. As human beings we need to eat, and we also need somewhere to live, etc. But are these things our real need?
A. God needs man, and man needs Christ. Without man, God cannot fulfill His purpose. Without man, God can do nothing. On the other hand, we also have to say, “Without Christ, I can do nothing.”

3. Q. They say that money can’t buy happiness. Why are many rich people miserable and pitiful?
A. If we were not for God and if we did not have Christ for us, we would be miserable and pitiful. Unfortunately, this is the real situation of today’s world.

4. Q. Without God, our human life is miserable and pitiful. If this is the case, what is God’s intention for us?
A. God has no intention for us to express Himself by ourselves or to do anything for Him by ourselves. God’s intention is that we express Him and do things for Him by taking Christ as our life.

5. Q. Some Christians have found meaning in their life by doing things for God. Is this okay?
A. There are two big mistakes – one made by the worldly people and the other by the Christians. The big mistake of the worldly people is that they do nothing for God. Christians, on the other hand, try to do something for God by themselves.

6. Q. There are many Christians who want to do things for God. What is the right way for us to do something for Him?
A. The right way for us to do something for God, is not by ourselves but by taking Christ as our life. The Lord Jesus said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b).

7. Q. I am a very capable person who can do many things. Why do I need to take Christ as my life?
A. We are vessels for God who need to take Christ as our life. How wonderful it is that we are good for taking Christ as o ur life! The animals were not created for taking Christ but we were. We all are qualified to take Christ.

8. Q. I’ve never heard that I need to take Christ as my life. Is this something, which can be found in the Bible?
A. In the Bible, the book of Colossians chapter 3 verse 4 says, “When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.”

9. Q. If I want Christ to be my life in my daily experience. What should I do?
A. You need to open yourself up all the time and call on His name. Do not keep anything religious or spiritual in your mind. Then you will see that He is the instant, present, up-to-date, moment-by-moment Christ.

10. Q. Now I know Christ is the meaning of my life. How can this be my daily experience?
A. No matter where you are, no matter what situation you are in, forget about yourself and your reasonings; simply open to Him and call, “O Lord Jesus.” Just enjoy Him. He is your life and your content. He is the meaning of your human life.