1. The Essence of the Bible 圣经的本质

1) Q. I have heard a little about the Bible, can you give me one reason why it is important?
A. The Word of God is the Bible. Its essence is: first, God’s Word is God’s breathing out. The
Bible is God’s breathing out; that is, it is the breath breathed out by God.

2) Q. If the Bible is God’s breath, is there a verse that shows this?
A. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that “All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for
conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”.

3) Q. I know that all scripture is God breathed, but why is this important?
A. To God it is a matter of breathing out; to us it is a matter of breathing in. Through God’s
breathing out and our breathing in, God’s word enters into us and becomes our life and life supply.

4) Q. Besides the Bible being God’s breath, is there anything else that we can say it is?
A. The Bible is the spiritual milk. In 1 Peter 2:2 Peter said that we need to be like newborn babies
desiring the guileless milk of the Word. In the Word of God there is the element of milk.

5) Q. The Bible is God’s breath and our spiritual milk. Can it also be our food?
A. God’s Word is our bread of life, our food of life. This is indicated in Matthew 4:4, a word out
of the Lord’s mouth “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through
the mouth of God.”

6) Q. Since the Bible is so many items to us, what should we do when we read it?
A. Whenever we read the Bible, we must breathe in the spiritual air, that is, the Spirit of God. We
also must drink the spiritual milk and eat the bread of life, which is the Lord Himself.

7) Q. The Word of the Lord is so rich. Is there anything else that it is?
A. The Word of the Lord is spirit and life. In John 6:63 the Lord Jesus said, “The words which I
have spoken unto you are spirit and are life.”

8) Q. If God’s Word is His breath, does it mean that God is the Word?
A. God is the Word, the Word also is God. The consummation of the Word is Christ Himself, because
Christ is the Word of God. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word…and the Word was God.”

9) Q. If you say the Word is God, this means that the black and white letters are the living God. Is
this true?

A. This does not mean that we consider the words in black and white as the living God. What we mean
is that the words in black and white contain God Himself.

10) Q. I want to read the Bible more. What will happen if I read it daily?
A. If we read the Lord’s Word daily, the Lord’s Word will enter into us. Then we will know it and
understand it.

Reference: The Full Knowledge of the Word of God, pp.16-18. (96 Lessons, L2-01 Essence)