1) Q. I have never heard of people calling on the name of the Lord. Is this something new?
A. Early Christians practiced calling everywhere, and to the unbelievers, especially the persecutors, it became a popular sign of those who believe in the Lord.
2) Q. Is calling on the name of the Lord the same as praying to Him?
A. To call is to call a person by name by naming him audibly. Although prayer may be silent, calling must be audible.
3) Q. Do I need to call on the Lord even though I pray to Him on a regular basis?
A. Calling on the Lord is our spiritual breathing. Whenever we call, we breathe out the negative things and breathe in the positive things of the Lord.
4) Q. Is calling something to be practiced only when I am in trouble or in need?
A. In the first century all the proper Christians lived a life of calling on the Lord’s name. They called on the Lord at home, and they called on the Lord while walking on the street.
5) Q. What happens when I call on the name of the Lord?
A. The name of the Lord is not an empty name. The Lord Jesus is real, and when we call He comes.
6) Q. How do I begin the practice of calling on the name of the Lord?
A. We simply say, “Lord Jesus, O Lord Jesus.” Our calling also must be out of a pure heart, seeking nothing but the Lord Himself.
7) Q. How often should I call on the name of the Lord?
A. Since calling is our spiritual breathing, we should never stop breathing. As long as we live, we should call on the name of the Lord.
8) Q. What happens when I truly open to the Lord and call on His name?
A. Whenever we truly open to the Lord and call on His name, we have the sense of the Lord’s presence within us, and the more we call, the more we are filled by Him.
答:无论什么时候我们只要真向主敞开, 呼求主的名,那时候我们的里面就充满了主同在的感觉。我们越呼求,就越被祂充满。
9) Q. What are other benefits of calling on the Lord?
A. If we want to be delivered and rescued from pain, sorrow, and distress, we need to call on the Lord.
10) Q. How can I apply the practice of calling on the Lord to my daily life?
A. When you are about to lose your temper, you have no time to pray, but you can quickly call on the Lord.