1. The Local Churches: Genuine Believers and Fellow Members of the Body of Christ 地方教会:真信徒与基督身体同作肢体者

1) Q. The Local Churches are unfamiliar to me. Do any seminaries have anything to say about them?
A. Fuller Theological Seminary easily and comfortably receives them as genuine believers and fellow members of the Body of Christ. They also unreservedly recommend that all Christian believers likewise extend to them the right hand of fellowship.

2) Q. In addition to being genuine believers, are they considered to be orthodox Christians?
A. In regard to their teaching and testimony concerning God, the Trinity, the person and work of Christ, the Bible, salvation, and the oneness and unity of the Church, the Body of Christ, Fuller Theological Seminary found them to be unequivocally orthodox.

3) Q. I don’t know too much about their church practices. How would you characterize them?
A. Church life in the local churches is primarily distinguished from typical American evangelicalism because of the local churches’ attempts to experience church as they think it was in the New Testament, before the rise of denominationalism or other congregational distinctives.

4) Q. Unlike the Baptists, the local churches do not take names for their churches. Why is this?
A. They believe that a biblical description of “the church” in any given locality is merely “the church”—not the Baptist Church and the Lutheran Church and the Community Church, etc.

5) Q. Because of differences in beliefs, Baptists cannot meet with Lutherans. What about the local church?
A. They believe that the church in any given locality includes all Christian believers in that area, regardless of whether all the believers meet together or recognize their unity above their denominational or name distinctions.

6) Q. The Local Churches have been accused of claiming to be the only true Christians? Is this true?
A. Although they have been accused of believing that only those who meet with them are true Christians, that is not their belief and it is not what they practice.

7) Q. Since the Local Churches do not have a clergy/laity structure, how are their services conducted?
A. Because they do not have a clergy/laity authority structure, services are very plain, have components contributed by a variety of brothers and sisters worshipping together, and typically have more prayer, simple hymn singing, and vocal worship than formal orders of service or pastor-directed sermons.

8) Q. As genuine Christians, if they were just like any other American church experience, would this help?
A. If the local churches movement were just like any other American church experience, the controversy and accusations against them would probably not have arisen.

9) Q. Fuller is a respected seminary that has researched them. What is their conclusion?
A. It is the conclusion of Fuller Theological Seminary that the teachings and practices of the local churches and its members represent the genuine, historical, biblical Christian faith in every essential aspect.
答:富勒神学院作出的结论是:地方教会及其成员的教训与实行,在每一基本面,均体现出纯正、合乎历史并合于 圣经的基督徒信仰。

10) Q. In addition to being genuine Christians, what should others know about their doctrine and practice?
A. In sum, along with Christians from a broad range of persuasions, the local churches are dedicated to both proper doctrine (orthodoxy) and proper practice (orthopraxy).

Reference: http://www.contendingforthefaith.org/eBooks/Hanegraaff-Passantino-Fuller.pdf