6. The Meaning of Faith 信的意义

1) Q. Faith is a popular word used by Christians. Is it mentioned many times in the Bible?
A. Faith appears one hundred fifty times in the New Testaments. When used as a verb, it is translated “believe.” The reason it is mentioned and emphasized repeatedly is because faith is the unique and crucial way of receiving Christ.

2) Q. Since faith is mentioned so many times, are there many verses that explain it?
A. Only in one verse is the faith explained. Hebrews 11:1 gives us a unique explanation of faith. The verse says, “now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

3) Q. If faith is the substantiation of things hoped for. What does substantiation mean?
A. Substantiating is the ability, which enables us to realize a substance. The function of our five senses is to transfer all the objective items into us to become our subjective experience.

4) Q. Since substantiating is an ability, which enables us to realize a substance, how important are our five senses?
A. If we do not have our five senses, all of the outside objects will remain outside of us; they will never be able to come into us. The work that the five senses do is a work of substantiating.

5) Q. I still don’t get it. Can you please give me another example?
A. Blue is a substance. It is there all the time. But when you take a look at it, your eyes begin to transfer the blue into you. This is what is meant by substantiation. Now you can say that you have substantiated the blue into you.

6) Q. If we use our senses to substantiate physical things, what organ do we use to substantiate spiritual things?
A. As the eye is to seeing, the ear to hearing, and the nose to smelling, so faith is the organ whereby we substantiate everything spiritual into us. Without faith, every spiritual matter is a nonentity to us.

7) Q. I heard some Christians say that everyone needs to receive the Lord. How do you receive the Lord?
A. It is by faith. Faith is an act of receiving. God has prepared and accomplished everything in Christ. All that it takes is for man to receive Him.

8) Q. When you say that I need to have faith in the Lord, does this mean that I simply agree with you?
A. Faith and agreement are two different matters. Faith is living, while agreement is an exercise of the mind. The receiving of spiritual matters is not a matter of consent but of faith.

9) Q. People in general struggle with many bad habits or sins. What causes Christians to be different?
A. A man who has met Christ in faith is different. Only those who have touched Christ have His power manifested through them. All the filthy and binding sins are shaken off from us when we touch Christ.

10) Q. I highly regard Christian missionaries and martyrs. Is there something that motivates them to choose that kind of life?
A. There is a very high power within this faith, which motivates thousands to become missionaries and martyrs. All these abilities come from faith. When we touch Christ, everything of Him will be transmitted into us.