1) Q. I have been a Christian for a long time, but I have never heard of the processed Triune God?
A. Although such words as process and Trinity cannot be found in the Bible, the facts which these words describe are definitely revealed in the Bible.
2) Q. Even though such words are not found in the Bible, were they ever used in church history?
A. Theophilus of Antioch (A.D. 115-188), one of the early church fathers, was the first to use the word Trinity in his writings. The word Triune also began to be used at about the same time.
3) Q. When you say Triune God, does this mean that the Father, the Son, and the Sprit are three separate persons or Gods?
A. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not three separate persons or three Gods; They are one God, one reality, one person. Hence, in Mathew 28:19 the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are denoted by one name.
4) Q. When I hear Father, Son, and Spirit I think of three different names. Is this right?
A. Father, Son, and Spirit are not three different names; they are the unique name of the divine Trinity. The divine titles in the Bible, such as “God the Father,” “the Lord Jesus,” and “the Lord Spirit” are compound titles.
5) Q. In what way was God processed and consummated?
A. Before His incarnation, God was “raw,” having the divine nature but not the human nature. Through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, God was processed and consummated.
6) Q. I see what you mean by processed, but can you tell me the meaning of the word consummated?
A. The word consummation indicates that a work or a process has been completed, or finished. For example, before we cook a meal, the food is raw. After cooking, the food is consummated into a feast.
7) Q. What steps did the Triune God take to be consummated?
A. Through the steps of incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Triune God has been consummated to be the compound, all-inclusive, indwelling Spirit. This Spirit is the processed and consummated Triune God.
8) Q. Is the compound ointment mentioned in the Old Testament related to the compound Spirit?
A. The compound ointment is a type of the compound Spirit, who is the Triune God compounded with humanity, the all-inclusive death, all-powerful resurrection, and transcending ascension of Christ.
9) Q. What does the Triune God being processed have to do with man?
A. The Triune God was processed to be the life-giving Spirit, and the tripartite man was created with a spirit to be the receiver and container of the divine life.
10) Q. What does man need to do in order to receive the life-giving Spirit?
A. When we exercise our spirit, immediately the compound Spirit, who is the Spirit of life and the life-giving Spirit, enters into our spirit, imparting the divine life into us.