1) Q. I have never heard of the God-ordained way. What does it mean?
A. The God-ordained way is the way to practice God’s New Testament economy. The center of God’s divine economy, which is His plan, His divine arrangement, is to dispense Himself into His chosen people.
答:神命定之路乃是实行新约经纶的路。神的神圣经纶的中心,就是祂的计划,祂的神圣安排,是要把祂自己 分赐到祂所拣选的人里面。
2) Q. The term God’s eternal economy is new to me. What does this have to do with man?
A. God’s eternal economy involves and includes millions of sons of peace; these sons of peace need us to go to visit them in their homes.
3) Q. What should be our attitude toward God’s economy?
A. We need a clear vision and deep impression concerning God’s economy, which involves the completion of Christ and the propagation of the pneumatic Christ for the producing of the church.
4) Q. It seems that this new way is important. How can it be successful?
A. The success of the new way depends upon bringing the church into our homes and bringing all the saints into the truth.
5) Q. In carrying out the God-ordained way, why are the homes so important?
A. The early churches met in the homes of the saints; if we take this organic way, whatever we do will be organic and not organizational. To bring the meetings into the homes is the very heart of the God-ordained way.
6) Q. Once we open our homes, what else should we do?
A. The mouthpiece of the gospel is man, and the outlet of the gospel is the homes. We not only need to preach the gospel but also need to open our homes to give a great reception for Jesus to preach the gospel.
7) Q. Is there anything else that we need to know about the God-ordained way?
A. The four steps of the God-ordained Way are begetting, nourishing, perfecting, and building up. Begetting is to gain people by going to contact them. Nourishing is to care for others in the home meetings
8) Q. In the steps of the God-ordained way, what do perfecting and building up mean?
A. Perfecting is to instruct and equip in the small group meetings. To build up is to prophesy in the church meetings.
9) Q. Is prophesying to predict something that will happen in the future?
A. To prophesy is to speak for the Lord and to speak forth the Lord. It is to supply Christ to others. This is the main work in the church meetings.
10) Q. The God-ordained way seems like a method to me. Is this new way a method we can follow?
A. The new way is actually a way of life. Today. All of us have to live a life of touching the Lord every morning to be revived every day. Every morning we need a new beginning.