1) Q. As a member of the Body, do I need to have the consciousness of the Body?
A. We need to have the consciousness of the Body, a Body- consciousness. In order to live and move with other members of the Body, we need to have the consciousness of the Body.
2) Q. I don’t have any feeling or peace of the Body. How do I develop this?
A. The more we are conscious of the Body, the more we will care for the feeling of the Body and for the peace of the Body.
3) Q. In the Bible, who is an example of a person who had the consciousness of the one new man?
A. With Paul there was a consciousness of the universal one new man, and in the Lord’s recovery today, we also need to have the consciousness of the one new man.
4) Q. Since Paul was conscious of the one new man, what was on his heart?
A. Because Paul, a faithful steward in God’s economy was conscious of the one new man, what was in his heart was not simply a particular local church, or a certain saint, but the universal one new man.
5) Q. Is there a difference between the new man and the Body?
A. The Body is for moving, and the new man is for living. In our moving we take Christ as our life, and in our living we take Christ as our person. In the Body, Christ is our life, and in the new man Christ is our person.
6) Q. On the earth today, can we say that each local church is a new man?
A. We cannot say that each local church is a new man; rather, all the local churches on earth are the one new man. The one new man is not local – it is universal.
7) Q. Can you give me an example of how to practice the consciousness of the new man?
A. Since all the local churches are one new man, in deciding a matter in our local church we need to consider the churches throughout the whole earth.
8) Q. In the Bible, believers came from different cultures and social backgrounds. Was this the new man?
A. The new man living on earth in a practical way is diverse. But because Christ is the unique constituent of the new man, there should be no differences among the believers who are part of this new man.
9) Q. Are all the local churches in different countries the one new man?
A. We need to see that all the local churches in the different countries are one new man. All the churches are not merely individual local churches but are the one new man.
10) Q. In order to live Christ for the church life in the consciousness of the new man, what do I need?
A. Paul ends Colossians with “Grace be with you.” This indicates that we need grace in order to realize and participate in the all-inclusiveness of Christ as our portion for the practical life of the new man.