9. Children’s Meeting 儿童聚会

1) Q. If I have a children’s meeting in my neighborhood, will it be considered a meeting of the church?
A. Even in our neighborhood there must be a children’s meeting that should not be considered as the children’s meeting of the church. This is a children’s meeting work in the saints’ neighborhood.

2) Q. I don’t have the time to do a children’s meeting on the Lord’s day. What other days can I do one?
A. Children’s meeting does not need to be done on the Lord’s Day. It can be on Saturday or in the afternoons when the children return home. This is a very effective way to preach the gospel.

3) Q. If the children’s meetings can be used to preach the gospel, should we focus only on the children?
A. The gospel is preached to the children. Yet our goal is not merely on the children, but to reach their parents, brothers, and sisters through them.

4) Q. I usually open my home for the gospel meeting. Can anyone open their home for a children’s meeting?
A. The most benefited advantage is that every brother or sister can open his or her house to have children’s meeting, just like what we do with the gospel.

5) Q. I am a little nervous about opening my home for a children’s meeting. How easy is it?
A. You just open your living room, invite five or six children from the neighborhood, and in this way you can have a children’s meeting in your house.

6) Q. Children like to sing in the meeting. How many songs should we sing?
A. The more songs the better. Children can be easily and strongly impressed by singing songs, even slogan songs. They will never forget these for their entire life.

7) Q. In our children’s meeting, what is the first thing that we can help the children with?
A. First, help them to be proper human beings. Let them know that man and animals are different, and that man is different from flowers and trees.

8) Q. When you say that we need to help them to be proper human beings, what do you mean?
A. Lead them to learn to honor their parents, to love people, to be clean, disciplined, honest, and to be a proper person. Don’t give them too much religious thought and concept.

9) Q. We need to help them to be proper human beings, but shouldn’t we also give them some Bible teachings?
A. We do not need too much teaching of theology. Because premature education always damages the children, we shouldn’t give them too much premature teaching.

10) Q. You say that building a proper humanity comes first before Bible teaching. Why is this important?
A. To build up a proper humanity is the way to prepare our children to be the best material to receive God’s grace. We have to help them to grow up in a good environment and in the education of their humanity.