1) Q. I love God’s word but I still don’t have much of it in me. How do I get the Word into me?
A. The best way for God’s word to be constituted into the believers is by pray-reading, studying,
reciting, and prophesying (PSRP).
答: 把神的话构成到信徒里面最好的方法就是借着祷读、研读、背诵和申言(PSRP)。
2) Q. If I want to get God’s word into me, is PSRP the goal?
A. PSRP is a procedure. The goal is that the unique truth of the divine revelation will constitute
the universal mingling and incorporation of God and man.
3) Q. There are some people who are just fine reading the written, translated, and interpreted Word.
Isn’t this ok?
A. God’s Word not only has been written, translated, and interpreted; it also needs to be
immediately and universally received, assimilated, and constituted into us.
4) Q. I am sure there are other ways of getting constituted with God’s word. Why should I PSRP?
A. PSRP is the best way. The goal is to enter into the high peak truths, the new language of the new
5) Q. In the Bible, is there a verse that shows the importance of getting the truth into us?
A. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom….
答: 歌罗西书三章16节说,“用各样的智慧让基督的话丰丰富富的住在你们里面…”
6) Q. Sometimes when I pray-read, I do not take it seriously. Is pray-reading really that important?
A. Pray-reading cannot be done lightly. We need to lay a good foundation through pray-reading.
7) Q. After pray-reading comes the studying. What are some guides that can help me in my study?
A. Our study equips us to interpret the Word to others. We should study the truths word by word, term
by term, and phrase by phrase. The New Testament Recovery Version and the life-study messages will
help us in our study.
答: 我们的研读,叫我们得着装备,能向别人解释圣经。我们必须逐字、逐辞、逐句的研读真理。新约恢复版和生
8) Q. Reciting is usually difficult for me. How will pray-reading and studying help me in this area?
A. Spontaneously, we will be able to recite what we have pray-read and studied. After having pray-
read, studied, and recited the outlines, we will spontaneously know how to prophesy.
9) Q. I would like to prophesy in the meetings. Can you show me how PSRP will help?
A. Prophesying is based on what we have recited; what we have recited is based on what we have
studied; what we have studied is based on what we have pray-read. If we do not pray-read, study, and
recite, how can we prophesy?
10) Q. If I want to be able to prophesy in the meetings, what should I be doing throughout the week?
A. Throughout the week, you need to PSR, PSR, PSR every day, then on the Lord’s Day, you will be able
to prophesy.
Reference: The Vital Groups, chapter 13, 15- 16. (96 Lessons, L2-23 PSRP)
参考书目:活力排,第13,15-16章。(健康话语规范,第二系列,第23课 祷研背讲)