8. How to Use the Holy Word for Morning Revival 如何使用晨兴圣言

1) Q. I have some materials for morning revival, but how do I use them to enjoy the Lord?
A. When we enjoy the Lord with the morning revival materials in the morning, we have to practice
relying less on the mind and more on the spirit. We should read sentence-by-sentence, and not only
read, but also turn the words into prayer.

2) Q. I don’t know how to turn the words I am reading into prayer. Can you give me an example?
A. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” As we read this
verse again and again, we will start to thank God, thanking Him for creating the heavens and the
earth, and thanking Him for creating you and me.

3) Q. People say that I am a fast reader. How should I read through the morning revival materials?
A. When we read, we cannot read too fast; we have to read with emphasis whenever needed, and
sometimes we may have to read loudly, even in the way of shouting, but sometimes we have to read

4) Q. I like to analyze what I am reading. During morning revival, is this a proper attitude?
A. In our reading, we need to practice relying less on our mind and more on our spirit, rejecting the
old way of knowledge and focusing on the new way of life, by pushing out what we read, sentence by
sentence, by the spirit with life to touch others’ spirit, so that they may receive the pneumatic
Christ as their life supply.

5) Q. I like singing hymns, but I don’t like singing the long hymns in the morning. Do you have any

A. If a certain hymn has six stanzas, we do not need to sing all the six stanzas, but we can sing any
stanza which is fitting. If only the chorus is fitting, we will just sing the chorus.

6) Q. I’ve been told that the morning revival is supposed to help me prophesy. What is prophesying?
A. To prophesy is to speak for the Lord and to speak forth the Lord. It is to supply Christ to
others. This is the main work in the church meetings.

7) Q. Since prophesying is the main work in the church meetings, how can everyone do this?
A. In order that everyone can prophesy, there is a practical and simple way, which is to have every
saint revived every morning.

8) Q. After I read the morning revival and write down what inspired me, what should I do?
A. Then write down the inspiration and response every day. On Saturday evening, pray-read over the
inspirations that are written, and compose a paragraph from them for prophesying.

9) Q. Besides composing a paragraph to share for prophesying, what do the saints need to know in
order to speak well for the Lord?

A. During the district meetings, they should not read from them. Rather they should speak them out as
in ordinary speaking. During the speaking, if they have further inspiration, they should add a few
words to them. In this way, the saints will be able to pick up the boldness in the meetings and will
be able to speak for the Lord.

10) Q. When I am prophesying in the meeting, how important is it to have the spiritual inspiration?
A. The most difficult thing to learn in prophesying is to have the spiritual inspiration. If there is
no inspiration, it will become mechanical, and the result will not be a prophesying. For this reason,
the prophesying has to be living and organic.

Reference: The Organic Practice of the New Way, chapter 4; Bearing Fruit that Remains, chapter 13;
The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, chapter 2; Holy Word for Morning Revival,
Preface. (96 Lessons, L2-21 HWMR)