1) Q. Hank Hanegraaff is popular in Christian circles. What qualifies him to testify for the local churches?
A. As president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man radio broadcast, Hank has personally been asked to weigh in on the controversies surrounding the local churches and their publishing and distribution arm Living Stream Ministry.
2) Q. Since Hank was asked to weigh in about the local churches and LSM, what did he do first?
A. Hank initiated a primary research project that included interaction with their publications as well as interaction with programs and people associated with their churches and Living Stream Ministry.
3) Q. The primary research that Hank initiated is it still ongoing or did it stop?
A. While this primary research is still ongoing, the following statements are beyond dispute.
4) Q. The local churches have been accused of being a cult. Did Hank find this to be true?
A. First, the local churches are not a cult from a theological perspective. In this sense, a cult may be defined as a pseudo-Christian organization that claims to be Christian but compromises, confuses, and contradicts essential Christian doctrine.
5) Q. During Hank’s research, were there any issues that he found?
A. While Hank personally has profound differences with the movement when it comes to secondary issues, such as the timing of the tribulation or the meaning of the millennium, he stands shoulder to shoulder with the local churches when it comes to the essentials that define biblical orthodoxy.
6) Q. When Hank interacted with members of the local churches, what did he see?
A. It is significant to note that in interacting with members of the local churches over a protracted period of time, Hank witnessed in them a keen interest in doctrinal precision sadly missing today in major segments of the evangelical community.
7) Q. Theologically speaking, the local churches may not be a cult. But what about from a social perspective?
A. The local churches are not a cult from a sociological perspective. In this sense, a cult is a religious or semi-religious sect whose followers are controlled by strong leadership in virtually every dimension of their lives.
8) Q. The local churches have often been associated with other cultic groups. Has this had an affect on them?
A. It is more than unfortunate that the local churches have been uncharitably lumped together with sociological cults involved in the most heinous activities conceivable. It is truly tragic that this classification has been used to persecute and imprison members of the local churches in various regions around the world.
9) Q. The local churches have their beginnings in the East. Do they have a place in Western Christianity?
A. The local churches are an authentic expression of New Testament Christianity. Moreover, as a group forged in the cauldron of persecution, it has much to offer Western Christianity.
10) Q. After contact with members of the local church, what is the point that impressed Hank?
A. It is their practice of prophesying—not in the sense of foretelling the future but in the 1 Corinthians 14 sense of exhorting, edifying, encouraging, educating, equipping, and explicating Scripture.
Reference: http://www.equip.org/christian-research-journal/we-were-wrong-2/