8. The Basic Factors of the Vital Group 活力排的基本因素

1) Q. What are the basic factors of the vital group meeting?
A. There are four basic factors of the vital group meeting. They are the Spirit, the word, praying, and singing.

2) Q. As Christians, what should our daily walk be according to?
A. Galatians 5:25 says, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit,” and 5:16 says, “Walk by the Spirit.” The Christian walk must altogether be in this mingling, saturating Spirit, who is one spirit with us.

3) Q. I heard that we need to be filled in spirit, but what does this mean?
A. Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be filled in spirit. According to the revelation of the entire book of Ephesians, to be filled in spirit is to be filled by the Triune God.

4) Q. Once I am filled in spirit, what will happen?
A. The result of this filling will be as what Ephesians 5:19 says, “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord.

5) Q. Is the word for the Christian meetings our word?
A. The word for the Christian meetings is not our word, but the holy word, God’s word, the divine word. The two classifications of the word in the New Testament are logos and rhema.

6) Q. In our meetings, should we just rely on the written word of the Bible?
A. What is revealed and written in the Bible is the constant word, the written word. We must first learn to acquire the constant word and pray to the Lord for Him to change His constant word into the instant word.

7) Q. I only pray when we meet together. Is this good enough?
A. We need to call on the name of the Lord throughout the day and talk to the Lord. We can pray, “O Lord Jesus, be with me,” or “O Lord Jesus, help me.” We should try to keep a praying spirit all the time.

8) Q. I don’t know how to pray in our meetings. Do I need to pray long prayers all the time?
A. We need longer prayers and shorter prayers in our meetings. We need all kinds of divine, living expressions. We need singing, shouting, repeating, calling, and proper long or short prayers.

9) Q. I want to learn how to exercise my spirit in the meetings. What does it mean to exercise my spirit?
A. To exercise our spirit is to live, walk, pray, sing, and be strong by the Spirit. When we exercise the spirit, the mingled spirit becomes the very factor of our Christian meetings.

10) Q. I want to be strong, living, new and fresh in the home meetings. How do I become such a person?
A. Our daily living needs to be saturated with the Spirit, the word, prayer, and singing so that we can be strong, living, new, and fresh to take care of the home meetings.