5. The Burden of the Vital Group 活力排的负担

1) Q. I think that a vital group is a group of burning, living Christians who bear fruit. Is this what a vital group is?
A. You may say that a vital group is a group that is living, burning, and bearing fruit. But this may be a doctrinal answer without vision. Actually, a vital group is a group of normal Christians.

2) Q. What is the main burden in carrying out the vital groups?
A. The burden in carrying out the vital groups is to change the generation. We need to come out of the deadness of Sardis, the lukewarmness of Laodicea, and the barrenness of the degenerating believers.

3) Q. In the vital group, what happens if the members feel like they are laboring in vain?
A. First Corinthians 15:58 says that our labor in Christ will never be in vain. Only the Lord knows what will be the issue of our labor. We need to labor in Him until the day we see Him at His return.

4) Q. What should be our attitude in practicing the vital group?
A. We must carry out the practice of the vital groups in desperation. We should pray desperately for the Lord to give us some fruit and remove our barrenness. This should be a matter of life or death with us.

5) Q. Where is the best place to practice the vital groups?
A. According to Acts 2:46, on the day of Pentecost the believers met from house to house. The Lord is for His spreading, and His spreading is in the homes.

6) Q. If I want to be a part of a vital group, what is the first thing that I should do?
A. But you have to rise up to pick up the way to be vital. Then you will be a vital person in your local church to produce and build up a vital group.

7) Q. How can I be vital on a daily basis?
A. We need to pray all the time, thanking God for everything all the time. Then we will have the fullness of the Spirit and we will flow Christ by speaking. If we are not like this, we are a flat tire.

8) Q. I enjoy the Lord every day, yet I am not full of the spirit all the time. What should I do?
A. We are not full, because we do not pray. We do not pray, because we are apart from Christ. We do not flow, because we do not have our life according to the spirit.

9) Q. I want to be a vital person. What should be my focus and how should I live?
A. We need to be addicted to Christ. We need to abide in Christ, keeping ourselves in the life union, the organic union, in Christ. We need to walk, live, and have our being according to the spirit.

10) Q. How can I be successful in practicing this new way?
A. You must be revived every morning, and you must be overcoming every day. In addition, you have to learn the truth, experience life, pick up the burden, and pay the price to care for people.